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April 7, 2002 - Sunday

Cloudy with a touch of rain, but not too much.

Today Fumihiko was the one who slept in. I woke up early, but went back to sleep for a couple of hours. When I woke up at 10 he was still asleep. I woke him up though. I'm so mean.

We ate breakfast and then we rode our bikes to Tsuruoka Park to see the cherry blossoms. He was going really slowly and at one point asked me if he was going too fast for me. Ha! He was going too darn slow. Then, he nearly crashed into a curb and I screamed!

The cherry blossoms were beautiful and we walked around the park. I finally convinced him that it was okay to buy something to eat, so we got crepes. They were great. We sat and ate and then we biked home again. Then we decided to drive to Oyama's park and look at the flowers there. The park was nice, but we were too early for the flowers I think.

After that we had to take Fumihiko's car to the mechanics. While we let them work on it we went to Mosburgers and then to Tsutaya, the video store. We didn't buy or rent anything there, we just looked around.

We picked up the car and went to the apartment to play The Bouncer. That was fun!

Then we drove home, via the gas station to pick up some kerosene and ate supper. Then we came upstairs to watch the movie and for me to use my computer. That's about it for today.

Have a good one! Later eh!

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