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April 14, 2002 - Sunday

Not too bad weather wise, but a bit cold.

My cold isn't any better. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I just wanted to stay in bed all day today. But, of course I didn't.

This afternoon Fumihiko and I went out and we had udon at a restaurant he knows. It was great actually. Then we drove around looking for a cake shop. We drove into the mountains but the one there wasn't open. Back in Tsuruoka we went to the wedding hall to have some cake, but discovered that they had a cake buffet that day and it was really expensive.

We went to the apartment and played The Bouncer for a while. I kicked some butt...and it was fun.

Then we came home and made and ate supper. Then I sneaked upstairs to do some computer stuff and to watch the Oscars and then The Fifth Element. I'll likely go to bed quite soon. I want to try to get some sleep. Fumihiko has an early morning tomorrow.

Night night!

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