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April 15, 2002 - Monday

A bit muggy today, but no rain.

I got up early this morning to go to the apartment. I wanted to go with Fumihiko because with my cold I didn't feel like biking. I slept for a couple of hours when I was there, then I watched the rest of the Oscars, then Barbara Walters. I enjoyed it all. Then I played The Bouncer.

I played The Bouncer for a couple of hours and I actually got one of my characters all the way through. Yeah!!! I was so happy. I couldn't believe it. Now I have to try and get the other two through.

I had to leave to get the Mikawa bus, so I left a bit early and went to the Post Office to put some of my coins in my account. Oops. I overdid it a bit because I broke the machine! Seriously. The guy had to come out and reset it and gave me back all of my money. He was really nice, and cashed in my 500 yen coins for me, and was going to help me make the deposit when I realized that I had to go if I wanted to catch the bus.

When I got to the bus stop I was dying of thirst, so I bought a can of coffee.The coffee was great, so I stood there, drank (a big no-no in Japan) and waited for the bus. It didn't come. While I was waiting a bosozuku started racing around on his motorbike in front of Jusco. He was gunning his motor and trying to make people scared and I guess impressed! Really I just thought he was stupid. I was hoping some big truck would come and run him over, but no such luck. He left and about 3 minutes the police arrived. Then the police left and he came back! It's like they planned it that way.

After a while I realized that I must have read the schedule wrong, but then again, so did Fumihiko so I didn't feel too bad. I waited until it was 5:00pm and called him. I offered to catch the next bus in 40 minutes, but he said he'd come and pick me up. I went into Mr Donuts and had soba and nikkuman. Yum.

I was almost finished when Fumihiko drove by and came to get me. We drove to the mall only to discover that the only two possible movies that we could see were a war movie and K-Pax. We decided to see K-Pax but to get supper first. We each had bibinba, which was really nice. Then, Fumihiko decided he was still hungry so went and ordered at another place. There were 20 minutes before the show started so he thought it would be okay. Well, it wasn't. It took them 15 minutes to make his food and then he still had to eat it. I refuse to go into a movie once it's started, so I made him slow down his eating and said that I didn't REALLY want to see the movie that bad (I've read it's not very good) and that we could just go shopping instead.

So, that's what we did. I bought myself a mini-cd player so that I can listen to music and not disturb everyone. I know that I have a tape player too, but I have more cd's than tapes these days.

Then we went to the apartment and we watched The Truth About Cats & Dogs. It was as great as ever! Actually maybe better because I was watching with someone that I love. (Mushy ne?)

After the movie we came home and I am typing and using my cd player with The Barenaked Ladies inside. Yeah! I'll go to bed soon, I'll have to take some medicine again first.

Gotta go....night night!

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