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August 3 , 2002 - Saturday

Written August 4th....

I was a bit busy at work. I had the equivalent of 6 classes, but they all were quite good, at least I think so!

In the morning before work, Fumihiko drove me to Daiei to buy my bus ticket to Sendai. We had a bit of a spat there and it was my fault, but we did make up before work, thank goodness.

After work he picked me up and we went to his friend's shop for sushi. It was delicious. I especially like the umeshisomaki, which is sour plum, shiso leaf in a rice roll, covered in seaweed. Vegetarian and delicious. Yum.

The next place he took me to was a bar near Showa-dori. I'd never been there before, and it was interesting. They had free karaoke so I sang a couple of songs. Fumihiko had a couple of drinks and I got to meet the people in the bar. It's one of those traditional Japanese bars that you hear about where every drink costs a blooming fortune! When I saw Fumihiko hand over the money I couldn't believe how much it was!

We came home using Daiko. It's a little like a taxi service, but they drive your car to your home for you. That way you can use it in the morning and you don't get into trouble at night!

All the excitement and the drink I had went to my head and I was off to dreamland very soon! ZZZZzzzzzzz.

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