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August 4 , 2002 - Sunday

Hot, rainy, and hot.

Today was a pretty good day. Nope, make that a very good day. We slept in, very late, which was wonderful to do that for a change. We got up, ate brunch, then watched a bit of TV. I came upstairs and worked on my computer for a while then Fumihiko came upstairs and we had another nap!

We wanted to go out and I was desperate to get my hair cut. The problem was that by the time we got to the beauty salon, she was booked up for the rest of the day. Oh well. That's life, isn't it?

We left for the mall, but I was hungry so we stopped at Mosburgers and had some food. I had a teriyaki chicken burger and onion rings. Yum yum.

At the mall we went to the Game Center and we each put a thousand yen into buying tokens for the games. Then, we spent the next 3 hours playing various games! It was fun, although, by the end I was getting tired of it.I wasn't winning for a change, but Fumihiko was doing very well. I was hoping he'd win the jackpot, but he never did. Poor thing!

We drove back to Tsuruoka and I noticed that the car was almost out of gas so we went to a 24 hour station. The most interesting thing about the place was a small frog. Seriously. There was a small frog on one of the stacks of tires that they were advertising in front of the shop part. It would gather itself up and make a huge (for a little frog) leap to the next stack. It was entertaining and sort of sweet. In All Concrete Japan, Mother Nature still has a thing or two to say.

We ate at a restaurant, and then came home. We both ate a bit too much, although I can say that I didn't eat any rice and only 2 bowls of soup. Well, Fumihiko ate 2 plates of rice (his and mine) and at least 3 bowls of soup. Poor guy is suffering a bit now.

And that's all that I have for today. Check out my new pictures on the index page if you haven't already!

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