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August 6, 2002 - Tuesday

Hot and muggy today.

I stayed home this morning in the comfort of my lovely air conditioned bedroom and snoozed a bit. Don't regret it at all. Then I finally got my computer to work and posted last night's writings. I even got breakfast from Fumihiko's Mum. Yay!

I rode to work and it was fine, no trouble. I was a bit early so I read some of the papers and got ready for work.

I think classes went well today. I was happy with them anyway. However, some students didn't show up, and didn't call. Sigh.

I rode home again after work. It was a nice easy ride and I made some of the lights that I usually miss, so it was faster than normal too. The problem was when I arrived home I was so out of breath and overheated that I had to change into some cooler clothes before I could eat. Whew. I felt much better after that.

And that's my day. Nothing too special really. I am just trying to survive another summer in Tsuruoka.

Night night.

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