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August 9, 2002 - Friday

Hot, sunny and muggy. Hurray!?

This morning Fumihiko had to go to work early so I stayed in bed and then rode myself to work later. It was nice for me. I had a decent sleep for the first time in ages. I think I get most of my sleep between 6 and 9, but in this house it doesn't often happen.

Work was fine when I got there, except it was a bit dull. I only had two classes today, so I did a lot of prep for tomorrow and I also prepped for after the holidays. And I got to work on a game that I've been making and I got a lot done. Hurray. I hope to have more time on it tomorrow, but who knows if I will or not.

Not much to report. Saw the end of Small Soldiers on TV tonight. It was okay, quite funny in places, but also violent., and then my break. Yay! I am looking forward to it.


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