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August 13, 2002 - Tuesday

Some rain and then clear at night.

A pretty good day. We pretended to go to work today because we didn't want to do the Obon Thing with Fumihiko's Mum. We went out for breakfast, then we did some business stuff for me. After that we went to the Kokusai Mura to return my books and a video that Lynden had borrowed. After that, we went to Spall.

Spall is a big indoor swimming pool with hot tubs and a river type course. It was a lot of fun, and we stayed there for about an hour and a half.

After supper we went back to the apartment and took a long nap. After 9:00 pm we came home and we're now watching the Stephen King miniseries The Storm of the Century. It's scary!

That's it for today. Tomorrow Fumihiko is back to work, and I have a day to myself. Hurray!

Night night!

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