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August 14, 2002 - Wednesday

Drizzly day, then finally clearing.

A mostly good day, with a bad ending.

I went to the apartment this morning and promptly took a 2 hour nap. It was great and I felt great afterwards. Then I went out to have lunch. I went to a cafe called Milk, and had pilaf and Earl Grey tea. It was very nice.

I walked back to the apartment and then walked to the hair salon. I got my hair cut and it looks great. Then I did a bit of window shopping in Jusco and Marica then I walked home.

At the apartment I popped in a video from Canada and started working on the bead necklace kit I bought on Monday. It was quite easy and I finished it tonight. It looks great.

Fumihiko came to get me and we went out for supper. Yum yum.

Then we came home where his Mum yelled at us because we didn't want any supper. We forgot to call her so she made dinner for us. Oops. She was quite angry but we came upstairs so we couldn't hear her anymore.

That's about it for my day. I'm off to Sendai tomorrow, so I won't be updating for a few days. Don't miss me too much!

Night night.

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