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August 21, 2002 - Wednesday

Cloudy and a bit of rain,

The internet is a wonderful thing! Two nights ago I did a web search for an old friend and I found someone who might be him. I sent an email to him, and yesterday I got an email back. It was him.

Today was a nothing special day again. Again, a student didn't show up because they forgot! Argh. Oh well.

After work tonight Fumihiko and his new haircut picked me up. Yes, sad I am because he got his hair cut, but it is summer and he does like it, so I guess I do too.

Fumihiko took me out to supper because his mum cooked something that I didn't with a lot of bones. Sigh. It was nice to go out with my favourite guy.

And that's it. A quiet day. Night night.

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