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August 22, 2002 - Thursday

Rained all last night, but clear today.

A pretty good day. I went to the apartment and went to sleep at the apartment. I took a nap for a couple of hours, but still managed to get up and walk to work!

Work was pretty good today. Most of my students came and classes went well. In my child class today we did a bit of painting and it went well. Hurray. I was a bit nervous because it's hard to do painting with kids. I didn't want to make a big mess, but it was okay.

Tonight I finished early and had a chat with Aki before she left. Then Fumihiko picked me up and drove me home. Yay.

A pretty good day all told.

It's starting to get a little cooler these days, I'm happy to say. The only problem is that it means that winter is coming. Sigh.

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