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August 24, 2002 - Saturday

Sunny and then lots of rain, thunder and lightning in the evening.

I'm sitting at my computer watching a Carpenter's special on NHK. The Carpenter's are still very popular in Japan. Probably more popular than the Beatles, at least if the number of songs by them sung at karaoke count. It's one of those quirks where people who are long dead are idolized here.I don't understand it personally. Audrey Hepburn is another person who everyone just adores...even my husband is guilty. She was a good actress and a great ambassador for the UN, but she's been dead for years.

Well, today. A so-so day. I didn't want to get up this morning. But when I did finally wake up, I noticed that Fumihiko was reading in bed. That made me happy! I love reading and the fact that he was reading made me grab a magazine and read too! My Mum was a bookworm like me, but my Dad didn't like reading so there was always a lot of tension in my family.

So, anyway, work was fine, except there was a woman from our head office in the school today. It was really annoying, but I managed to stay out of her way!

Classes went okay and I managed to get out of the school before 9:30, which was really nice.

That's it for today. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but then again, does anyone?

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