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August 25, 2002 - Sunday

A gorgeous day, the kind that only happens after lots of rain.

I slept in really late today. It was wonderful. Then, Fumihiko's Mum only had noodles for us for lunch so we passed and went out for okonomiyaki. Yum! It was great.

Then we went to Daiei and did a bit of shopping. I got a copy of Joe Vs. The Volcano, hurray! I also got some stuff for work and some electronic stuff.

Then, we went out for coffee and then back to our house. We offered to take Fumihiko's Mum out for dinner, but she refused, so we went fishing. It was really too dark to fish and we didn't catch anything anyway, but we did have fun!

After that we went to a restaurant and ate supper. We both ate too much, but it was really good. Then we came home and I called another teacher and made plans to meet tomorrow. Now I have something to do instead of just watching TV...Yay!

That's about it for me for today. Maybe I'll have more tomorrow....maybe not!

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