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February 1, 2002 - Friday

Lots of snow around today.

Hey, too cool. Barry Manilow is on Ally McBeal. Okay, okay, I know that he isn't hip, but I still like him!

I had a semi busy day. I wasn't as busy as on some days, but I managed to get a lot of planning done for next week.

This morning at the apartment I did some laundry and took a nap. I didn't get to take as long of a nap as I usually do. I had breakfast at the apartment for a change too. That was nice.

In my kids class today I tried something a little different and it worked. That was cool!

I came home tonight to a very sorry looking Fumihiko. He has managed to hurt his back again. He can hardly move, poor thing. I had to do a lot of things for him, not that I minded or anything.

Anyway, I'm off to bed, singing Barry Manilow all the way!

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