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February 10, 2002 - Sunday

Cold and snowy, again!

Today was a kind of do nothing day. I slept in very late. Okay, I didn't sleep. I read a book, or part of one. I'm re-reading Amy Tan's The Hundred Secret Senses. I read it ages ago.

I also got my hair cut again today. It looks and feels really good. What a nice way to feel better.

Today Fumihiko and I went to Pizza Hut for a late lunch, early supper. We had a pizza-pasta combo. Well, I gotta tell you. The pasta was awful. We had salmon cream sauce, but it tasted like vongole sauce. In fact, I think I even ate a bit of the grit that you often get in clams. Yuck. We had the salad bar too, but that wasn't a good thing. It was small, and you are only allowed to go once. The dish that they gave us to get salad in was smaller than the ashtray! BUT, the pizza was good. It was the first pizza that I've eaten in ages and it was nice. We had the Idaho special as it's a bit lower on tomato sauce. I'm suffering a bit anyway though.

After that we went to Fumihiko's car's shop. Fumihiko wanted to have the oil changed and stuff. Well, that was my first time at a shop like that in Japan and what a revelation! Inside the dealership were places for children to play, and tables and chairs with snacks and menus on them. There was a choice of 4 different beverages, which one of the clerks brought over for us. I've never seen anything like it. And when they were working on his car they found a puncture in a tire and asked if they should fix that too. The manager came over and had a chat with us too. Amazing. I don't think we have anything like that kind of customer service in Canada.

Then we drove to Mikawa Jusco to see if there was a good movie on. But, the only thing that was interesting had already started so we went downstairs and had hot chocolate at the coffee shop and then drove to Tsutaya, the video store. We rented 3 videos and went to the apartment to watch them. We watched Galaxy Quest and it was pretty funny. I could relate to a lot of it because one of my friends is a fervent Trekker and used to go to conventions and stuff!

Then we came home. I was a bit angry because I wanted to watch another video tonight but Fumihiko wanted to get home. I'm not sure why exactly.

Anyhoo, that's it for tonight. It was an okay day. I hope tomorrow is more fun though. Night night.

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