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February 11, 2002 - Monday

A cold day again. It's like winter is back.

We slept in again and it was darn nice! It was a really really cold night and somewhere around 6 am Fumihiko got up and turned on the heater. I'm so glad.

When we got up it was around noon so we decided to go out for lunch. We went to Edoitchi again. It was the first time that we had lunch there. It was okay. We ate a lot of course, but not so much as we usually do. Then we bought a new kerosene tank for my apartment, got more kerosene and then headed over to the apartment.

We watched two movies today, Frequency and Miss Congeniality. I enjoyed them both, even though I'd seen them both before. Fumihiko liked them too, and he hadn't seen them. We had a really nice time in the apartment. I made hot chocolate and we ate pretzels and kettle chips. Yum.

Then we went out to get some food for supper. The last thing that Fumihiko's Mum had said to us this morning was if we wanted to eat at home we should bring some food. So we went to Jusco and got food.

When we came home we "made" the food. Fumihiko did the rice for the sashimi and I heated the German salad. Supper was quite nice. His mum had also made some stew, even though she told us to bring our own food. Oh well.

After supper I washed dishes then came upstairs to do my computer stuff. I couldn't handle the stupid TV programmes anymore. I know that many people like reality TV, I'm just not one of them. That, combined with the fact that the programmes are dubbed into Japanese makes them unwatchable to me. I just hate them.

So, here I am. I hope to get to bed fairly soon tonight as I'm really tired. It feels like it's been a long weekend, although I didn't really do anything!

And that's it for me. Later eh?

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