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February 15, 2002 - Friday

Another coldish day.

Well, I had a great Valentine's Day. One of my classes didn't show up, so I had some extra planning time. Hurray!

After work, I finished early, so Fumihiko and I went out for sushi to his friend's sushi shop. It was really good. While we were there he gave me my Valentine's Day Present. It was a good one, and I'm very happy with it!

After we went to the apartment, took showers and went to bed.

This morning I got up at 7:00 with Fumihiko. I made him a bit of breakfast and kissed him goodbye at the door. Then I went back to bed and slept for a couple of hours. When I got up I did laundry and made my own breakfast. I got dressed and left for work.

I was running a bit late so it was a good thing that I had already eaten. Classes went well, and as I'd had a cancellation I even had some time to do planning for tomorrow. That was great.

I went out for lunch today to a place I hardly ever go, and it was nice. I had curry pilaf, which was quite yummy.

After work I came home, ate supper and then we came upstairs to watch Ally McBeal. It's sort of a sad one.

Anyway, really not much to say today, so I'll try to do better tomorrow! Night night.

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