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February 16, 2002 - Saturday

Much nicer weather, in fact, the sun actually shone for a bit.

Last night I tried to post my entry but the computer kept hanging up on me. I was very annoyed and finally said a few bad words and gave up.

This morning I slept in a bit, although I was still really tired. When I got up for breakfast, Fumihiko's Mum was in a state again, don't know why, so Fumihiko made toast and I vowed to visit the bakery near my school for a real breakfast.

He drove me to work and I bought him a sandwich which he ate with me in my classroom. He even showed up later to buy me lunch and talk about the trip that we want to take. I think it'll be great...maybe.

I was busy today at work. I had the equivalent of 7 classes and they were all one person classes. That meant I had to do half of the talking. Yuck!

Fumihiko came and got me quite early and we ate supper at home. His mum seems to have recovered. Hmm.

I just watched an updated version of the Partridge Family's "I Think I Love You." It was interesting, but I don't think David Cassidy has anything to worry about. I still like his version better. The girl singer was doing it kind of hip hop/rap style.

Oh, and in other nice news, I got a birthday card from my friend Donna in Canada, along with with a nice little letter. Hurray for Donna!

In world news, the Olympics have awarded Pelletier and Sales of Canada a gold medal for Pairs skating. There was some irregularity with the judging. I don't know exactly what happened, but at first they got the silver, and now they have the gold. Yeah!

In sad news Princess Margaret died a week ago. I wonder what her life would have been like if she wasn't royalty. I also read that the Queen Mum is unwell. Oh dear.

Anyway, I gotta go. Take care, and I'll probably be back tomorrow night!

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