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February 13, 2002 - Wednesday

Still cold and snowy.

Sorry about the lack of an entry last night. It wasn't entirely my fault. Fumihiko didn't come and pick me up until after 10pm, he was working late. By the time we got home, had supper and then did the dishes it was too late to start writing entries.

Tuesday was busy, but I had a break as one student didn't come so I could do a bit of extra planning. That was nice.

Today I went to the apartment as usual. I didn't feel terrific, but I survived! I walked to the school, opened it up and then I went and bought breakfast.

Classes were fine today, except I had one class not show up again. That was odd as I had seen the student less than an hour before class in Jusco! Oh well. She didn't call, but I would love to have heard her excuse as to why she didn't come to class.

I finished early tonight and Fumihiko took me out for dinner. We went to a Chinese restaurant and I had marbodon. That's spicy tofu and meat on rice. Yum.

And that's about it. We came home and both of us are sitting at our computers. Fumihiko is playing Minesweeper and I'm writing this. Ain't love great?

Oh hey, tomorrow, no update. We're staying at the apartment tomorrow, for Valentine's Day. Well, actually, that isn't the reason, but it's as good as any others!

Gotta go. Night night!

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