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February 17, 2002 - Sunday

Nice day.

Fumihiko and I slept in very, very late! When we got up we had breakfast here, at the insistence of his mum. Then, we went out. We had to return videos and we decided to watch some of our DVD's at the apartment. After we went to the video store, I asked if we could go to the beach.

Very obligingly, Fumihiko drove us to the beach. As you might expect, in February it was very quiet. We walked along by the shore and picked up a few interesting shells and rocks. I also picked up a piece of sea glass that had been smoothed by the ocean. The sad thing is that the beach was a mess. I don't know if people just dump things or what, but it was terrible. Fumihiko says that it gets cleaned before summer, but it's a shame it isn't kept clean all year.

We drove to his friend's restaurant after that. It wasn't open officially, but his friend welcomed us and gave us something cold to drink. It was a beautiful cabin, all made out of wood. It looked very natural, a bit like a log cabin. I really liked it.

After that Fumihiko asked me if I wanted to go for ramen. I said okay so we drove to Atsumi Onsen. But, the ramen shop wasn't open so we drove to Negasaki (or something like that). We stopped at a place, but they didn't have ramen, they had sushi. So we had some. It was really really good. I didn't really want any, but it was great.

When we finished we drove back to Tsuruoka and got some kerosene for his mum, then we headed out again. We went to the apartment and we watched Toy Story and Toy Story 2. They were both great. It was a lot of fun to watch them together.

When the movies were finished, Fumihiko drove us to the gyudon shop for a late supper...we had curry and gyudon, then we came home. He's showering and I'm writing. That's it for today. I had a great, great day. Hurray!

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