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February 18, 2002 - Monday

A day jam-packed with bad weather...rain, cold, and snow.

This morning I got up early to go to the apartment on Fumihiko's way by. I took a long nap at the apartment, but woke up around 10. I watched a little tv and actually did a bit of cleaning. My Japanese teacher was supposed to be joining me. Or so I thought!

I planned to meet her at city hall at 2 :00pm. I walked to city hall and did my business there. I had to pick up my new Alien Registration Card. After I did that I waited for Eriko to pick me up. At a bit after 2:00 my phone rang. She had shown up, but at the apartment! Oh dear. She didn't want to pick me up and I wouldn't be able to meet her there for at least 20 minutes so we cancelled the whole thing. Sigh. That was too darn bad.

On the way back to the apartment I stopped in at the community center and had lunch. That was nice. I had Wafu mushroom spaghetti, and the hottest hot chocolate that I've ever had. I burnt my tongue on it. Yuck. I hate that. However, the hot chocolate was great!

Back at the apartment I read a bit more, then left to catch the bus to Mikawa Jusco. I caught it handily and had a quiet trip. I read the whole way. I read Artemis Fowl today. It's a book that Susan loaned me. It's supposed to be similar to Harry Potter, but it isn't, by a long shot. Harry is a much nicer person.

Fumihiko and I met up and went to the travel company where we proceeded to have a bit of a spat. We had agreed on something last night, or so I thought, and now he wanted to change it. I hate that! We went off to a coffee shop to sort our selves out and sadly they didn't have any of the drinks that I wanted. I told Fumihiko that I'd pass, but the stupid people gave me the same drink they gave him. I wasn't too impressed. We sorted everything out, drank some of the drink and went back to the travel company. Of course by now the booking computers were down so we don't even know if we can get that holiday. ARGH!

There weren't any good movies playing that we hadn't seen so we ate bibinba (a type or Korean fast food) and then drove to the apartment. We finished watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It was a lot of fun. I always loved that movie and Bob Hoskins.

Then we came home and ate another supper. Fumihiko forgot to tell his mum that we didn't need any. Oops. Now he's off bathing and I'm writing. That's about it.

Night night!

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