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January 1, 2002 - Tuesday

Happy New Year!

This morning I was very tired as it was quite late when we got home and went to bed. I finally got up around 10 am. I ate some zoni with mochi, which is traditional Japanese food. Zoni is a kind of soup, it's pretty good. Mochi is, well, it's pounded rice that becomes this sticky glutinous stuff, and it's quite sweet too. They put it in soup and it gets to be the consistency of mozzarella cheese. It's quite dangerous in a way, because many older people die from eating it every year. You can't really chew it and it gets stuck in their throats and they suffocate. Yesterday I almost got some stuck in my throat and it was quite scary.

The three of us went to the temple in the afternoon. This time we went to a different temple, the one where Fumihiko's father is buried. We went to the gravestone first, then inside. I'm afraid I didn't do the whole prayer thing inside. I'm not really a Buddhist and I don't understand the meanings. And to make matters worse, at one point, I knocked a lamp off a counter where it was marking someone's shrine. OOPS. I think it was okay though.

After we came home I took a nap, or tried to. I didn't really sleep. Later a relative of Fumihiko's came by to visit, but Fumihiko didn't really explain who the guy was, so I still don't know!

Fumihiko and his mum were watching Japanese TV and it was bad. Really bad. So, I decided to just take my nap, right there in front of them! I think I slept for about an hour.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about Japanese TV these days. It's all about food. No, really. It's all about going to this ryokan, or that restaurant and trying the food. I've never seen anything quite like it! Even other shows make people eat really disgusting food, in the name of entertainment. I just don't get it. I really don't.

After supper I came upstairs to write my entries. I couldn't stomach any more TV. I know my friends back home won't believe that, because I used to watch so much TV, but here it's terrible. And in the New Year Season, it's even worse!

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. I have to go out with my guy now. We're a bit bored, so we're going to go for a drive. If anything interesting happens I'll tell you tomorrow!

Night night!

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