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December 31, 2001 - Monday

An interesting day, sort of!

This is a day late so I'm not sure if I remember everything or not. Here's what I do remember.

The weather was bad and I slept in. Fumihiko got up and drove his Mum to the store. When I got up, I ate some of Van's cereal for breakfast. Fumihiko came back home sans his mother as she wanted him to pick her up later. He left after a few minutes, and then about 5 minutes after he left home, his mother arrived. She'd walked from the supermarket! Crazy people!

I spent some time on my computer yesterday afternoon. I made the main pages for the next two months. They take a long time on line to finish completely, so I wanted to have everything done for the next couple of months.

In the evening, before supper, Fumihiko made more soba, which was good, and getting a bit longer. I think when he makes it, it's long,but when it gets cooked, it breaks. I made up another cheese and cracker plate, and I left the bag with the leftover crackers on a bag, out of the way.

The cheese & crackers were a hit. We finished up the camembert and the cream cheese.

Later, when I was clearing things away, I discovered that the bag with the crackers in it had disappeared. It turns out that his mother had thrown it out. She didn't bother to ask me, or to check if there were still crackers inside. Hmm. A little annoying to say the least.

Fumihiko and I came upstairs to play with our new Play Station 2. It was fun, but the game that we bought is really difficult. I think I just want to go and get one of those shoot 'em up games instead, as long as it's easy!

Then, we went to the temple. Yep, you heard me! We were thinking of going to one near our house, but Fumihiko decided to go to the one in Tsuruoka Park. So, I got into my snow/outdoors gear and off we went. We parked in City Hall's lot and walked over to the park. There was a really long line, and it took us ages before we could move. However there were some compensations! At midnight we had a big smooch! It was also fun to people watch.

Finally the line started to move, but it did take us about 30 minutes to get to the temple to pray. We threw in our coins and then prayed and clapped, or clapped and prayed, I'm never sure which. Then, we were done. There were some taiko drums going which sounded marvelous and people were selling things like fortunes and arrows so it was very colourful and exciting. I could have stayed longer just to watch!

Fumihiko told me that he wanted to drive out to Zenpoji Temple to have a look, so that's what we did. Traffic near the temple was slow, but it was interesting to see people. People go to temple in everything from kimonos to jeans, sweats, and miniskirts with high heeled shoes. We drove back to Tsuruoka, and came home.

That was my New Years Eve day. Interesting???

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