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July 12, 2002 - Friday

Incredibly, a nice day, but a little cold.

I had an okay day today. I did laundry and played my video game and read my book.

Work was okay, I saw quite a few students and even went out for lunch, by myself!

Things went a bit downhill this evening before I got home. Fumihiko informed me in the car that tomorrow a Buddhist Priest is coming to the house to do a blessing on it. He's coming before 8 am. I was also told that it's Obon tomorrow and and that his sister and her family was going to come over for a party either tomorrow or on Sunday. Gee, nice of him to tell me. I didn't even know that it was Obon and so I feel left out of things. I know I shouldn't take everything so personally, but it is really hard not to sometimes. And then when I got "home"I was presented with a supper that I just couldn't eat. It was terrible. I guess some of it would be edible for some people, but not for me. I left most of it.

Fumihiko and I watched the end of Episode One and then I came up here to write my entry. Not much happened today either, except we got air conditioning at home...but it's not hot enough to use it!

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