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July 14, 2002 - Sunday

Happy Bastille Day!
Rainy and humid most of the day.

Oh, boy, what a day. We slept in really late this morning, it was lovely. I didn't wake up for good until 11 am. Hurray.

This morning Fumihiko was supposed to take his Mum to the temple for Obon, to pray at his Dad's grave. I said I would go, but I didn't want to pray in the temple because I'm not Buddhist. Fumihiko told me that maybe I should stay home then, he'd take his Mum and then come home and pick me up. It seemed like a logical solution to me. His Mum had other ideas. She barreled upstairs and started talking to me in Japanese. I had absolutely no idea what she was saying, other than I think she wanted me to come too. So, to keep the peace I said I would come, but I still wouldn't pray. Anyway, I went out to the car and started to clean it up a bit for her, when Fumihiko came out and got in the car. We drove off. I asked him about his Mum and he said she wasn't coming.

We went out for lunch first, then went back home to see if she'd changed her mind. Unfortunately not, so we went to the mall. Fumihiko was quite upset so we played a few video games until we were both feeling better. Over coffee I asked him to go to the grave anyway, as I was afraid that he would regret it if he didn't. So, we bought some flowers and headed off.

It was nice. Fumihiko prayed, I bowed my head and we left our flowers there.

Then we went for supper at his friend's sushi shop and then went back to the apartment to play The Bouncer and Tetris. We played for a few hours...we're crazy that way, and then came home. Fumihiko's Mum is in bed, so we didn't have any confrontations, thank goodness.

So, even though the day didn't have a good start, we enjoyed it mostly.


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