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July 16, 2002 - Tuesday

Guess what? It rained again today! Surprise, surprise!

An interesting day. I played a lot of Tetris this morning and even cleared the screen once. Wa hoo! I also finished The Bouncer and had an easy time of it...first time I tried this morning. I was quite amazed!

Work was fine. I was a little busy, but not too bad. Most of my students showed up which was amazing! I was very happy!

I read some interesting things in the paper today. Six female students entered in a judo competition were disqualified because they had plucked or shaved their eyebrows to be too narrow. It doesn't make sense. Apparently their eyebrows were too distracting or so narrow that they were frightening to the other competitors. I just don't believe this country sometimes! They were disqualified to punish them.

I came home at a decent time tonight and ate with Fumihiko. Then I came upstairs to watch TV and write this entry. Now, I'm done!

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