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June 4, 2002 - Tuesday

Sunny hot day, with a bit of rain and thundering at the end of it.

I had a good day. I woke up early because of the light, I hate it when I do that! I didn't sleep a lot after that.

After Fumihiko left I read a bit and then I wrote some email, then went out for my power walk. With me being sick for so long I hadn't done it for a while so I had to go back a bit in terms of the time, but I'm glad I went. It was so hot though. My pace was good and I seemed to be into the swing of it more than before.

I came home, did my sweating out while I checked my email and then took a shower. When I came out it was time to leave for work so I scrambled around looking for clothes to wear at work. I was out the door and almost at my bike when I realized I wasn't wearing my watch, or

my rings!

I ran back into the house to get them and I debated with myself about whether to take off my shoes or not, but I did. If it was my own house, I probably wouldn't have, but since it isn't I did.

The rest of my day went really well. The child student that I have on Tuesdays didn't try to fall asleep and did a lot of work, and did it well. Hurray! And my last class of the day had all of the students show up. I was so happy, and surprised. Yay!

Fumihiko called me at 9:30 and offered to come and pick me up, so I accepted. Yay! I was happy to get a ride, even though the storm had passed and there wasn't anymore rain or thunder.

At home we watched the news and ate supper. Japan played its first World Cup game today against Belgium and tied 2 all. I'm not sure who I'm really supporting, I guess England by default, because there's no teams from Canada or Scotland. Could you just see a bunch of crazy Canucks trying to play soccer with skates on?

Anyway, that's it for me for today. Catch me tomorrow? Night!

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