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June 3, 2002 - Monday

Beautiful sunny day.

The Emperor and Empress of Japan are in Shonai right now. I'm not terribly impressed as they aren't my monarchs, but many of my students and people that I know have been involved, even indirectly in their visit. I think they leave tomorrow.

This morning I went to the apartment with Fumihiko and had a great day by myself. I decided to go out for breakfast, and went to a restaurant on main street. I had bacon and eggs, with toast, salad, spaghetti (don't ask!) and coffee for 650 yen. That's a pretty good price. The woman speaks a bit of English and she's friendly so we talked a little bit. She was asking me all about Gabrielle today!

I did a bit of shopping and I went to Mr Donuts for coffee too. I paid a water bill, and went to the Post Office. I did a lot, surprisingly. Then I came back to the apartment, vacuumed and did laundry. I took a shower too.

Oh, while I remember, something weird happened while I was in Mr. Donuts. I checked my phone and I'd had 8 calls! Eight! It was from someone I didn't know. As I was checking it out, the phone rang again and I talked to the person. They were looking for my husband. For some reason the daft twit had given out my number instead of his! His co-workers were trying to find him and were calling me. However, I didn't understand that at first, and was worried that something had happened to Fumihiko. I called him and he was fine, thank goodness. I gave him the number and let him deal with it.

Fumihiko visited me after work and after a bit we went out for dinner to a Chinese restaurant near where I used to live. It was delicious.

And that, so far, is my day. It's been really great. I hope nothing changes.

Night night!

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