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June 6, 2002 - Thursday

Another scorcher today.

This morning I was really tired so when Fumihiko's alarm went off I was really surprised! I didn't expect that it was morning already.

I read for a bit, I'm in the middle of Hollywood Kids by Jackie Collins, and then went for my walk. I have to admit that I was so tired I didn't go for my full time today, I only did once around the park and then came home.

At home I checked email and then took my shower, and left for work. I stopped at a convenience store to pick up some breakfast.

At work I did a bit of prep work plus read the paper. It was a normal day. It was okay, not great, not bad. I left the office around 10 and biked home.

I did get a postcard from a friend who lives in England. It was really nice to hear from her again. I wrote her back a postcard because I didn't have time for a real letter.

Not much happening today, sorry!

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