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June 12, 2002 - Wednesday

Hot and humid day today.

Went to the apartment this morning and watched Roswell from the weekend. They've been trying to improve the ratings in the US and it means they've been messing with the show a bit. Not sure if I like the new gritty look, or the Romeo/Juliet type story line now.

Anyway, a normal day today, except one of my classes didn't show up and I did a bunch of work on a game for my classes. I'm trying to make a version of Crazy Eights for vocabulary.

Nothing much of note today. I went out for lunch today and read more of the Ken Follet book I'm reading at lunch. It's really good and I hate putting it down. It's about a flight out of England to America on a luxury airliner that apparently did exist. The characters are well drawn and I'm really enjoying it.

Not much else to say, I brought my bike home tonight, but if the weather sucks tomorrow, I'll leave early with Fumihiko.

That's it....night!

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