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June 11, 2002 - Tuesday

Rainy day.

Of course it started to rain today five minutes before I had to leave for work. Sigh. Always happens.

I thought I'd be different and write about something else today.

My husband is a big fan of classical music. Sadly, I don't appreciate it, most of the time it bores me silly. I have made it my mission to introduce my husband to many other kinds of music. Ones that I like. Some of them he has taken too, like country music and some Canadian groups or singers. The Barenaked Ladies are a particular favourite of ours and he likes Burton Cummings too.

Yesterday, I introduced my husband to Scottish Music. Several years ago I ordered a cd by Andy Stewart. He is a famous Scottish singer, he sings in broad Scots and his songs have a good sense of humor, usually.

Of course, Fumihiko couldn't understand a word. He kept asking me if he was singing in English. "Sort of" I replied. Then, A Scottish Soldier came on. I told him that the song always makes me cry, and sure enough, 1 minute later, I was bawling my eyes out. I don't know if Fumihiko understood enough of the song to know why. It's about a soldier who fights in many wars, but dies in a foreign land, not in his own Scottish hills. It always makes me think how my Mum felt living in a land that wasn't her own, and now, the song even applies to me as I live in Japan, far away from my Canadian Rockies.

After that song, I played a couple of more cheerful songs and decided that a small taste of Andy Stewart would be better for Fumihiko than over-exposing him to the genre.

And that's all I have to say for today! Night night.

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