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March 29, 2002 - Friday

Clear, then lots of rain, just in time for the bike ride home.

I'm a fan of Ally McBeal. The TV show, not the character. Last week, it had a featured guest, Sting. I was in high school when The Police first came out and then when he went solo I followed his career, and actually liked him more. Today, one of my high school students asked me about him. She said, " You know, last week on Ally McBeal, there was Sting. " I said, "Yes". She said, " Is he a real singer?" I couldn't believe it. Oh my gosh. I must be getting old to have students that don't know Sting. Wow.She'd never heard of The Police either!

I'm really tired today. Classes all went well, but I've been under a lot of stress for one that was due to start today. It went okay. About as well as can be expected for the first day. The little boy was shy and didn't want to leave his mum, but I left the classroom door open and it was okay. He could look out and see her and go and get a hug when he needed it.

Fumihiko had a drinking party tonight but he drove me to the apartment this morning where I did a lot of laundry and watched some TV. It was nice for a change. I rode my bike home in the rain. That wasn't so nice, but not so bad either.

And that is that. My day. There's more, but it's boring. Oh, tomorrow night, no update probably as I'll be out with my husband I hope. Night night.

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