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March 31, 2002 - Sunday

A nice day.

Well, I must apologize for missing yesterday's report. I went out with my husband instead of sitting by my computer. It was time well spent. We went to Shimi's restaurant for sushi and it was great.

Then, we walked back to the apartment where we played Playstation games until it was bedtime. Then we slept. And slept, and slept. It was around 11 when we finally got up. It was so nice and relaxing for a change.

Today we had a great day. I was pretty hungry so we went for tonkatsu. That's breaded pork cutlet. It was really good. I'd been to the restaurant once before with Taeko, so it was nice to take my husband.

Then we drove to a place in Haguro town....Matsugaoka. It's a very old fashioned area where the people started a silk farm. It is beautiful. Thatched buildings, old old wood buildings....nice. Then we visited the museum. They had exhibits from the silk farms history and lots of dolls on display. My favourite one was a male, his nose was a bit bent and he looked like he was in a bad mood or was making a face.

After the museum we drove to Asahi Village to have some cake, but the cake shop was closed. We drove back to Tsuruoka and went back to the apartment and played The Bouncer for a while. It was quite fun.

We went out for supper to a yakiniku buffet place. I won't say it was a mistake to go there, but it wasn't great. The selection of meet and other food was terrible. I like to eat salad and grill some vegetables too, and they just didn't have a great selection of food. It seemed a bit like a hang out for teenage boys too. There were lots of them there.

We stopped off at 7-11 for an ice cream each and went and parked in Komagehara park to eat it. No, we didn't "park", we just ate the ice cream! Then we came home and stopped Fumihiko's mum from making our supper! We watched the X-Files movie that was on and I looked at my Foreign Buyers Catalogue that I got in the mail. It made me darn homesick to look at all of the familiar foods. I hope that I can order some of them this time!

That's it. I'm off to the apartment tomorrow morning but I'm going with Fumihiko so I can take my computer over there too. I'd really like to do a bit of work on it.

Night night!

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