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May 1, 2002 - Wednesday

A day that started rainy and cloudy, but turned out quite pleasant.

In the morning I went to the apartment with Fumihiko. I didn't nap today, I started to play The Bouncer and did quite well. I also did a couple of loads of laundry and wrote a letter. I read some of Persuasion too, that was great. I also watched some of the tapes that my sister sent me with Canadian TV on them. I enjoyed that.

In the afternoon, I walked to the post office, mailed my letter and deposited some coin into my account there. I didn't break the machine today. Yeah! I also went by my school to do a mail check and I borrowed the newspapers so I can catch up on world events.

I headed out for the mall on the 3:40 bus. I arrived and I met Linden at the mall. We chatted/gabbed/bitched about work and then Fumihiko joined us at 5:15. We checked out the movie times and decided to go to the 7:10 show.

There was lots of time so we went for a drive to the tulip place and then went for supper at a Chinese restaurant. We had a great supper with lots of food. But, we couldn't make it back in time for the 7:10 show!

We went back to the mall and vegged. We looked at cds, DVDs and then went and wasted some time in the arcade. That was rather fun. I played a really silly coin drop game and Fumihiko and I played air hockey...he beat me this time. Sigh. Then we played a silly game where you fish for small balls in water. On my first attempt I didn't get anything, but on my second I got four balls. Wahoo! I don't know what I'll do with them, but I don't care. I feel really proud of them!

Then we went to see The Others with Nicole Kidman. It was great. It was quite scary and spooky. I jumped several times, and spent the last part of the film holding Fumihiko's hand.

After the film, we drove Linden home, then ourselves. We'll be going to bed pretty damn quickly as we are tired. I just hope I don't get nightmares tonight!

Pleasant dreams!

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