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April 30, 2002 - Tuesday

Rainy day.

I had a really good day today too!

This morning I got up with Fumihiko and went to the apartment. I took a nap for a couple of hours and also started re-reading Persuasion, my favourite Jane Austin novel. I finished my jigsaw puzzle and I played The Bouncer of course! I also watched some TV, both from Japan and Canada, which I really enjoyed. Roswell is getting good! Oooh.

I took a shower and had a couple cups of decaf coffee, then I left to catch the bus to Mikawa. It was late, but at least it arrived this time!

I got to the mall and went shopping. I bought myself a peach coloured Hawaiian shirt that looks pretty good on, and some socks for Fumihiko and me. I also got some supplies for school (yes, even on holiday I still think of the school!) and a surprise for Fumihiko but I don't think he's going to like it! You never know, and I won't keep you posted. I visited many stores in the mall and after I heard from Fumihiko again, I went to Seattle's Best Coffee to wait for him. The waitress actually got my order quite easily and the coffee was good. Fumihiko came while I was still drinking it so he got another straw and we drank it together. Yes, we did look like Lady and the Tramp, without the tomato sauce!

I didn't really feel like seeing a movie tonight so Fumihiko asked if I wanted to see if Paris Cinq was open. It's a French restaurant in Tsuruoka. We went there, and it was open.

We had a great meal, salmon and lamb. Yum. The dessert wasn't as great as I hoped, but they did have raspberry sorbet which was really good. The lamb was wonderful. I haven't eaten lamb in a long time. It's not very popular here in Japan. I'm not sure why.

Then, Fumihiko and I came home. He's taking a bath now and I'm writing this.

It was a nice day, and I really enjoyed myself. I think Fumihiko did too, apart from having to work late! Tomorrow we're going to meet Linden, the Sakata teacher and maybe see a movie.

Bye for now!

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