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May 12, 2002 - Sunday

Drizzly and cold day.

This morning we got up late, hurray! and I went for a walk in the park. After I came back, and took a shower we ate lunch/supper and then went out.

We both wanted to get our hair cut. I went to my stylist and was really lucky as she wasn't busy. She cut my hair and gave me a massage too. Heaven! I was so relaxed I just about fell asleep on the chair.

I met Fumihiko and he once again looks like a Flat-headed Frankenstein. However, he likes his hair so that's really all that matters.

We got some dog food for Gombei, the dog from Hell, and checked out a new antiques shop. Then we bought his mum a cake on the way back to the house.

We went out for supper tonight to Benkei. I know what you're thinking, "What, you couldn't take his mother out someplace nice?" but it makes sense. It wasn't busy, it has a wide range of food and it all tastes really good. She was a bit nervous about going to a drinking place for supper but it was empty. Probably everyone else was taking their mother somewhere nice! I got to have my Jagabutta, and we had sashimi, some kind of mushrooms in butter, fried tofu and onigiri. Yum.

Then we came home and ate the cake. It was chocolate and really good. Fumihiko started watching a baseball game so I did the few dishes and came upstairs. I'm listening to one of my new cds and writing. It's pretty damn cold up here and I may have to turn on the heater. In fact, I'm doing it now.

Oh, I forgot to mention that there was an earthquake this morning. The TV said it was only a 1 here, but I was upstairs when it hit and I think it was much higher! Fumihiko was outside and didn't even notice. I can't believe it!

So that's been it for my day so far. Tomorrow I'll probably go out to the apartment with Fumihiko. The weather has been bad for walking these days. Sigh.

Later eh!

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