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May 13, 2002 - Monday

Another rainy drizzly day.

I got up early this morning to go to my apartment with Fumihiko. He had a long day of work ahead of him. He had to drive to Sendai today.

At the apartment, I read, watched TV and played, yes, you guessed it, The Bouncer! I did quite well today actually.

For lunch I decided to do something a tad different, I went out for sushi by myself. The place I went to was a revolving sushi shop near the apartment. It was, okay. They did have free miso soup for lunch, but some of the sushi looked like it had been revolving for too long. Still, some of it was nice. I paid up and left, then went and stuck some money in my travel fund.

I watched last night's Roswell and then went out again to catch the bus to Mikawa Jusco. It's a good job that I took a book, my new Dick Francis. I waited and read. Then when I got on the bus I read some more. At the mall, I waited and read. Finally, about half an hour later, Fumihiko showed up.

We checked out the movies, but anything that we wanted to see had already started and the late shows were way too late, so we left the mall. I asked if we could go to an Okonomiyaki restaurant in Tsuruoka, so that's where we went.

Okonomiyaki, for those of you who don't know is a kind of egg pancake with lots of stuff in it. Traditionally it's octopus, but in this restaurant you can have anything. I had shimegi mushrooms, bacon, corned beef and onion. We asked the waiter to make one of them for us, (did I mention that you get to cook it yourself?) and Fumihiko made his. It was really delicious, except they told us we had too many fillings. I liked it just the way it was!

After supper we went to the apartment to pick up my clothes and to play a few games of The Bouncer. I coached Fumihiko past a few difficult places and he did very well!

Then we came back home where he is taking his bath and I'm writing this. That's it for today. A good day. Hurray!

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