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May 21, 2002 - Tuesday

Rainy in the morning, then clearing at night.

I went to work with Fumihiko this morning. I didn't feel up to the bike ride there and home, and I'm glad I did it that way as it rained when I went to work.

I played The Bouncer at the apartment and did okay. I can't figure out how to get one character to win the game though. My game doesn't feel balanced without knowing his ending. Sigh.

Fumihiko came and visited me for a few minutes. It was lovely to see him. He left just after I took a shower as he had to pick up his boss I think.

I walked to work quite early today as I decided to go to Mr Donuts and have some breakfast. It was a nice start to the day.

Work wasn't too busy today. I rather enjoyed it. One class I got a bit mad at though. They were very late, and they wanted to stay late. Hah! I don't think so. I'm mad because I planned and actually tried to teach them something new and they didn't get there on time. Hmm.

I also had a bit of bad news about a friend in another city here. I hope everything works out for the best. I really do.

Anyway, that's it. I hope the sun comes out tomorrow. It's about time! Night!

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