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October 12, 2002 - Saturday

Clear and sunny all day. Beautiful starry night too!

I had a pretty good day today. We slept in a bit and then went to Mosburger for breakfast. I had a chicken burger, sans bun, and a salad.

Work was fine, except for that one of my classes cancelled. It was a little sad. I had a couple of students not come as well in the last class. I did a lot of paperwork for counselling which is a good thing.

At lunch I did my good deed for the day. An old lady with a stick watched me come up the up escalator and then she was going to try to get on it. I said "Don't, don't" in Japanese and then I pointed to the correct place to catch the escalator. I was afraid that she'd fall and hurt herself if she got on the wrong one. She said thank you when she realized what I meant.

After work we went to a yakitori shop. Usually they serve chicken, but this one served us pork and beef too. It was delicious, but we had to wait a really really long time for our food. I was so hungry!

Then we came home using the we-drive-your-car-home service, and watched Will and Grace. It was really funny.

Tomorrow we may be going to another prefecture to go shopping, so we likely won't be back tomorrow night. I'll be back on Monday night, I think!

Night night!

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