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October 19, 2002 - Saturday

Cloudy, but no rain.

A pretty good day, if a bit busy.

At work I was scheduled for 7 lessons, but one of my students didn't show up. I wasn't too surprised though! The manager and one of my co-workers decorated the school with my Halloween stuff and it looks very festive now.

I had to stay late to do counselling, but it's over now, thank goodness. I didn't finish work until after 10pm. Holy cow!

I came home with Fumihiko and ate supper here. His Mum actually cooked for us tonight. Yay! And, my friend sent me a stack of magazines too, so I have lots to read. Hurray! AND tomorrow, my computer should arrive! Hurray!

When I came up to our room, Fumihiko has rearranged the whole room and things are quite different. I don't know if I like it, but I guess I'll get used to it.

That's about it for today. Talk to you tomorrow!

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