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October 20, 2002 - Sunday

Muggy with a bit of drizzle, but no actual rain.

Poor Fumihiko had to go to work today, so I stayed home and slept. For an hour. Then I got up and tidied up our room. I went through some of my boxes and threw a bit of stuff out, and also got some boxes ready for putting away.

After lunch I did more work, and then got ready to go out to my student's house. We had a lovely visit and her garden is incredible. She has done such a lot of work on it. I envy her in a way.

Later I came home and about 5 minutes after I arrived, my new computer did too! It was good timing. I really wanted to spend a lot of time with it tonight to set it up, but I couldn't really. I spent some time on it, but it isn't right yet. Sigh.

And that's about it for today. I'm writing my entry on my old computer because I'm not sure when I can get the new one set up! Isn't that sad?

Night night!

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