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September 4, 2002 - Wednesday

Sunny and warm, but I think it is starting to cool down a touch.

This morning Fumihiko had to work early so we got up earlier than usual and he drove me to the apartment. They are doing construction on the balcony there so I think I'll have to clear it off tomorrow. Blech. I hate that! I have nowhere to put the stuff out there.

I napped for a while, played The Bouncer, and then watched a bit of Canadian TV. Hurray. I found some old tapes that I hadn't watched yet.

Work was fine today, just a bit busy. I had seven classes and they all showed up. It was nice actually. I enjoyed them all.

I might not report tomorrow, I'm not sure. I have been invited to go out so I might be home a bit late.

Anyway, that's about all I have for you today...except for one thing, I forgot....I put my mobile together today and it looks really pretty.

That's it! Night night!

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