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September 5, 2002 - Thursday

Hot and sunny again. Seemed to be getting warmer!

I had a busy day, although I'm not sure what I accomplished when the day is done.

We went to the apartment quite early today to clear off my balcony. It took a while as I had lots of stuff out there. We loaded a lot of stuff in the car and then Fumihiko left for work.

I played The Bouncer and also watched more of my video. One of the shows was The Third Watch, which took place just after September 11th. It was heart breaking in many ways, and also uplifting too.

I also packaged up some magazines for my friend in Chiba and sent them to her. They were darn heavy, but I think she'll like them.

I went to the convenience store for breakfast and then I went to work. I wasn't terribly busy at work today, which made it a nice change. I tried something a bit different in one of my lessons. It didn't really work that well. I don't think the students got what I wanted them to do, but they seemed to enjoy trying anyway.

After work I went out with my co-workers to a ramen shop. They had ramen, but I had yakiniku and salad. It was rather good. It was nice to go out again. These days, no one asks me to go out so it made a nice treat.

I came home and as there's a problem with the water heater, I'll skip my shower for tonight and take it at the apartment tomorrow.

That's it for me for tonight, except to say that I couldn't post last night as I couldn't keep the connection going to upload my files. Sorry bout that!

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