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September 11, 2002 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny, quite nice.

A pretty good day today. I couldn't nap at the apartment today as there really was too much banging and sawing going on.I watched Stargate and Andromeda, it was fun!

Work was really busy. I had seven classes, and they all showed up. I think they went quite well.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to my apartment so he could take a shower. While we were there I made Fumihiko some coffee with my coffee press...aren't I nice.

We watched some of the coverage of the one year memorial of the Terrorist Attacks. I couldn't watch a lot of it. I'm afraid that I don't like George W. Bush, and he makes me angry whenever he speaks. I found the parts where people were reciting the names to be deeply moving in a Shakespearean Henry V sort of way.

And that's it for today. Nothing too special, thank goodness.

Nighty night.

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