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September 18, 2002 - Wednesday

Cloudy and rainy most of the day.

I had a pretty good day today. I went to the apartment this morning and took a nap. When I finally roused myself I watched some TV and cooked myself breakfast. Yes, you read that right! I had tofu and a ham omelette. Yum.

Work was quiet, but a little busy. It was quiet because I was the only person in the school for most of the day. I had 6 classes today, and I think they went quite well. I was happy with them anyway.

I didn't go out for lunch as I was by myself today, so I went to Jusco and bought it. I had fish. I also had fish for supper, so there is a good chance that I might grow gills and start swimming!

Fumihiko came and got me around 9:30 and we watched a new show, Providence. It looks like it might be good, but it's not as much fun as Charmed.

And that's about it. Nothing too exciting today. It's the kind of day when it seems like I'm still in Canada!


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