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September 19, 2002 - Thursday

Sunny all day, but a bit cool.

I tried to nap at the apartment again, but they were working on my balcony again, so I didn't get much sleep between all the bangs that the workers made. Oh well. I did get up and watch some TV and made myself a ham and cheese omelette, which was really good today.

I walked to work in a normal amount of time and prepared for my classes. I think they went well today.

After work, Fumihiko came and got me and we stopped at the vending machines on the way home. I wanted to get some yanglan tea. It's a herb tea with no caffeine or sugar. I quite like it, and since most teas and coffees are verboten to me right now, it makes a nice change.

Not much else to report except I watched The Lost World. They have just started to put it on again. I enjoyed it, but not as much as I used to.

Anyway, not much to say tonight. Talk to you later....night night.

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