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September 23, 2002 - Monday

Sunny with a lot of rain in Akita.

We're back from our trip. We've been driving for hours and I'm exhausted. I don't drive, so I can't believe Fumihiko when he says that he isn't tired!

The hotel wasn't great, but the food was pretty good, and the view in the morning was great. I actually got up the nerve to take a Japanese style bath again around midnight. No one else was there so it was very pleasant. I even used the outside bath.

We enjoyed ourselves very much. We drove around the lake a lot today, and we took a boat cruise on the lake. It was a nice way to spend the long weekend.

I did a bit of souvenir shopping, but not much really. I'm not into souvenirs that much now.

Anyway, I'm home, and off to work tomorrow! Wish me luck. Night night.

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