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September 21, 2002 - Saturday

Sunny and warm all day.

I had a pretty great day today. I got up this morning and cooked breakfast for me and Fumihiko. Yes, I really did! We had cheese omelets with bacon and cottage cheese. It was yummy. The nice thing was that I didn't lose my temper. Usually when I cook I end up screaming at Fumihiko because he is just sitting there, waiting for me to put food on his plate. But, today I was calm and collected.

I got to work and prepared for my lessons. Luckily I had left them mostly prepared last night. I think classes went well. Students seemed to enjoy them. I did have one cancellation, but he'd called ahead to say he couldn't come so not too bad.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and took me for yakiniku. It's one of the few things I can eat right now on my diet. It was really nice, and not too expensive. That was good, because I paid for it!

The bad thing about going out for dinner was when we got home we discovered that Fumihiko's Mum had made us dinner and it was waiting on the table for us. Oh dear. We had tried to call and tell her we didn't need any food, but she didn't answer. Actually, many of the things that she prepared for me were things that I couldn't eat, so maybe it was just as well.

Tomorrow we are off to Lake Tazawa in Akita-ken. It is the deepest lake in Japan. I'm not sure why that is worthy of note, but most people here talk about the "est" places. Also, many places are proud to be "the fifth ...est in Japan" for example. Statistics are popular. Dunno why exactly.

And that's it. I won't be here tomorrow, so no update. I'll be back on Monday night, most likely. Night night.

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