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September 25, 2002 - Wednesday

Sunny and warm day.

What a nice day!

Fumihiko and I had to pretend that we were working today so that his mum wouldn't be angry at us. We left as usual at 8:00am and went to the apartment. We ended up napping until 1:00pm! It was great though, and I really needed it.

Then we had lunch at the Daiichi Hotel. It wasn't great as they put sauce on my meal, after Fumihiko had asked them to leave it off, and they ran out of salad and didn't refill it. Grrr!

Then we decided to go to Sakata Port and go fishing. We stayed there for about 3 hours, until it was getting dark. We both caught a few fish. Fumihiko got the biggest fish, but I caught the most!!! Yay me.

After that we went to Mikawa mall and had supper. We had yakiniku and then played games in the game center. We had planned to see a movie,but didn't get around to it. Tomorrow!

Next we bought some groceries for breakfast and some stuff to have a barbecue tomorrow. When we finished we went back to the apartment and had coffee or tea. Then, we came home.

Just a nice quiet, low key day together. Yay us!

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