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September 26, 2002 - Thursday

Warm and sunny.

I'll start with last night. As I was going to bed I began to cough and cough. I asked Fumihiko to take me to the doctor because I was worried about getting Teacher's Throat again.

This morning we spent 2 1/2 hours at the doctor's office so that he could see me for all of 3 minutes and prescribe some medicine. It also cost me over 4000 yen for the doctor and the medicine. Sigh.

But, after that, the day really picked up. We went back to the apartment where I cooked breakfast with Fumihiko's help. Then, he did the dishes and then took a nap. I watched TV for a bit and then had a nap too. While he was napping the guys came to finish my balcony so they were banging up a storm, but it didn't wake my husband up! I couldn't believe it!

When I woke up I was really groggy and felt quite ill. I'd taken my medicine after we ate. I don't know if the tablets caused the problem or not.

We got ready to go to the beach and have our barbecue. The weather was perfect, and we found a good spot. We set up and started the fire going and then I cut up the veggies. We ate veggies and meat, and it was delicious. There was a seagull standing by, waiting for handouts, but I'm afraid we didn't oblige him. The food was great. After the sun went down, but before it got really dark we packed everything up and went back to the apartment.

At the apartment we watched Narrow Margin with Gene Hackman. It's been years since I've seen that film, and it was still good. The Canadian scenery was beautiful. Really beautiful.

And that was that. We came home a few minutes ago and then came upstairs. I want to get to bed early, hence the journal writing now.

We had a great couple of days off too. I'm really glad that we did this. The only things are that we have to go back to work tomorrow and I still have a cold. C'est la vie!

Bye bye....

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